for yesterday

so Alva sent me an msg this morning
Of course i remember la....
days when we had tea and plenty of "yen su ji" in weekends (gossiping, and reading comics books)
made me finish all the left over food
"smoking" with you regardless the season
standing outside linden hall during fire drill practice and shivering
searching for lao sichuan hot pot on 25th (we were lost in the heavy snow)
having pho on my birthday
talking about the penguin, Paradis, Newman, Maracle in the hallway
rushing in line to get noodle soup in the morninig
watching your collection of XXX drawings (that was long time ago)
do you remember you were screaming (ya mei de) when we were wandering at the back of linden
watching the brownies having a fight in the lobby of linden
checking out girls and guys
we shopped for cooking utensils and cutlery in jackson and dollar shop
u made me curry on the first day i moved out
i still keep the drawing you made in my binder
never forget how you dressed in cic (converse + nice sweater)
we had burgers in the pub bat downtown beside Horsehoe tavern
you took care of me when i got injured
you crazy....finsihed one third bottle of jack daniel
having mcdonald in Eaton Centre
that is the times in my life
i will never forget that la
you better tell me how to lose weight
i am graduating in 09 may (hopefully)
trying to book a ticket. the price is really rocket high. you know how the gas price is crazy theses days. The airline comps have cut down a lot of flights to HK.....

for yesterday, and for our youth.

一个人在家通宵看完三部零零七。。。。>< 邦絀好帅好英俊好梦中情人!!!!!!!!