

被栗花兔兔妹妹小安給治愈了 我想睡覺!!! 哭閙了。 粉嫩可口美味小姑娘 BY 亞蒼妹妹 抽煙假裝英俊小青年 BY MOMO附送BUNNY一張~~ 話説老子很期待周末和女人的約會喲說得越多 吹得越多 越顯示自己的無知 被祖師爺的old angel midnight歡樂到了 干我飢渴了…


我想把這句話原原本本的砸回你的臉上。 因爲時間太少要做的事情太多所以沒辦法emo了! 感謝畫白兔給我的栗花和妹妹!我愛你們雖然是我死皮褚臉要來的白兔可是老子還是開心的哭了!

clap your hands say yeah

fake emo kid [大笑 http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x35kh_babyshamblesfuck-foreverbabyshambles


That I should stop all of this. I just cannot help myself, and no one is there waiting for me. Crystal Ball. kuso!http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jjWJfpODVIY&mode=related&search=tech!http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JGLv3IEL0VI&mode=related&s…


2. I Bet You Look Good On The Dancefloor Stop making the eyes at me, I'll stop making the eyes at you And what it is that surprises me, is that I don't really want you to And your shoulders are frozen, cold as the night Over you're an expl…


http://www.virginfestival.ca/toronto/i've never being this excited before!!!!BJORK!? ARCTIC MONKEYS!! THE SMASHING PUMPKINS!!!!there's more!HONEYCUT!!!i cannot believe my eyes ;333333;!!


finally finished. http://www.switchesmusic.co.uk/video.php?offset=0&id=18&vtype=high&vformat=real

need some company

but there is no such thing, no one is waiting for me.like what he sang, what she said.rough all around and make everyone mad, angry, scary or whatever the fuck i did to them. so sorry. actually i was the one should be punished. i mean it. …


show me some respect, please. 不抱怨會死,抱怨了事情也得不到解決 蛋崽說我鬱悶的時候煩,不鬱悶的時候一樣煩 太不靠譜了這也。 A TEENAGER'S DREAM, SO HARD TO BEAT憋在心底的壓抑完全爆發出來

leave it behind.

something old something new somthing borrowed somthing blue. you are my bride to be~~~

happy days! i cannot help myself stop saying........ FUCK YOU, ALL OF YOU.bunny power up! says: (10:34:25 AM) who the fuck wanna to plagiarize her!!! CZ says: (10:34:39 AM) 不要?我! im just a fan girl, does it matter to you? quote~ http:/…


a 64 pages fan book got 14 guests.. what a wonderful world lol


清晨六點坐在陽臺椅子上看日出 膝蓋上放著同房的筆電有一下沒一下的打字 穿club monaco的白襯衫讓人心情很好 哪怕是上一季的打折品新家的lobby旁邊就是咖啡店 看著?色的logo就有莫名的親切感,曾經如此討厭這家被朋友嘲笑成快餐一樣的連鎖咖啡店。 然後喝上…

living will

my dear.sleep when you are tiredeat when you feel hungrytalk when he makes you sorrowleave when things no longer required. lonely heart club. we are the angry mob. hate what we hated. love what we loved. I AM NOT SAYING I DON'T LIKE THEM. …