
1027 sxs

tony~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~takeshi~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ takuya!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! =_,= today's song


前一段时间身体和精神都快到极限了,总算乘这个周末好好休息了一下[睡了整整两天] 其实手上的工作还有一大堆,白坯布不快点完成的话到时候真的要自己缝麂皮外套针织衫还有皮裤了喔!? 一边这样催促自己的心情不禁骄躁了起来,但是要完成的工作看上去却好…

what i like about you

doesnt matter or mean a fucking thing >333333333333

what a......

return to an idol fan =____________,=baidu/google is so good >_

Viva Colombia

there's blood everywhere you just couldnt see.

the best monthly party presented by Magic Garden

there's no such thing...called enoughXDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD!! P.S. I started to listen Daft Punk againnnnnnnnnnnnnn...>